by wcslingsby | Feb 27, 2024
Remembering Denise Goddard by Meg Warren Denise was 10 years old when she took up the sport of gymnastics at the Cardiff Olympic Youth Club, where the coach Walter Maidment must have quickly recognised her talent. She was strong, explosive, and gutsy. Above –...
by wcslingsby | Sep 4, 2023
SUZANNE DANDO by Meg Warren & Suzanne Dando Early Days Suzanne Dando was born in Balham, London, on July 3rd 1961. At age 6, her parents moved to Uckfield, East Sussex where she spent her childhood. Her gymnastics talent was first recognised at age 11 by her...
by wcslingsby | Jun 27, 2023
JACQUIE LEAVY by herself JACQUELINE LEAVY (now Beltrao)Marsden GC / Coventry RGC Coaches – Lois Curtis / Marion Sands Twice British Senior Champion 1983 & 1984 and Olympian 1984 Born in Dublin on the 21st of April, 1965. I was the first British RG gymnast to...
by wcslingsby | Jun 9, 2023
DANIELLE JONES by herself It was in my blood My name is Danielle Jones, and I am a former King Edmunds and Great Britain Acrobatic Gymnast. I started my gymnastics career at about 7 or 8 years old. From the minute I started, I knew that I loved the sport and that this...
by wcslingsby | Feb 6, 2023
CLAIRE WRIGHT by herself At just five days old I was at Crystal Palace Sports Centre for the 1979 Guinness School of Sport and in the gym for the first time. My parents Bernie & Colin Wright were both coaches so I had chalk between my toes at a very early age. I...
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